Wednesday 29 June 2011

Aside from the Germans...

Let it be known, I am a football fan and aim to incorporate that into this blog. I am first and foremost a Villa fan but I understand that to simply write about Villa probably limits my audience somewhat. While I think they are the most amazing, interesting and most super-duperest team on the planet, I do understand they are not everybodys cup of tea. But I like football. In general. Apart from Wigan. I have nothing against them or Wigan as a place. It has a pier and awesome pies but come one please! I'm falling asleep at the wheel here! Why Martinez chose them over us is beyond me. Loyalty. While I admire loyalty, everybody does, you can stick yer loyalty oop yer Spanish arse the words of the infamous McLeish *shiver*. What a guy! What a manager! What a load of bollocks. Just as a quick note, to anyone who thinks that Villa fans do not want McLeish simply because he has managed Birmingham Shitty (to failure twice) and Rangers (Come on Celtic!) you have a point. A very valid point indeed. But it is not the only reason!
1 - He managed Rangers.
2 - He managed Blues.
3 - He relegated Blues.
4 - He relegated them again (while I am grateful for his dedication to the cause, he can take this thanks and bugger off).
5 - He resigned by email. Hmmm, after the board turned around and said they were not interested in Mark Hughes because he left Fulham in an unjust manner. Really? He had a one year contract and he left after one year. Seems pretty just to me! McLeishs excuse: 'I had to send the email because my wife would have got angry with me if I had cut the holiday short'. Which leads me to...
6 - I'm glad the number to this point is claret. The man obviously has no balls if he can't even stick up to his wife and show a bit of respect to a club that were willing to show him some. The man could use some of Martinez's loyalty. Misplaced though it may be. What she was even doing out of the kitchen is beyond me (ahem).
7 - He plays boring football. Defence, defence, defence, long ball to noone, back the ball comes, defence, defence, defence.
8 - I have a horrible feeling that he may play Heskey up front. Alone. Without Youngs clever crosses and the possible loss of Downing still to come, we might as well colour our claret in white, call ourselves Birmingham City and jump into The Championship preferably off a very high bridge.
9 - The fans don't want him. Now, I appreciate that the fans mean nothing. They are fickle and stupid and follow their club come hell or high water...isn't that right Paul Faulkner? I hate how the fans always seem to be an afterthought it they get a moments thought at all. It doesn't matter that they work their arses off and save for months just to afford to go to games, that it is the most important thing in their life, that its a couple of hours escape, that families have supported teams for decades and will do for decades to come (unless the world ends in 2012). It is like a religion to many. Without fans you have no club. You have no soul. And aften you are forgotten along the way. So when you hear that a manager in question (e.g. McCLaren) has been denied by The Board because of fans displeasure, it makes you feel important. But then that self-importance is swiped from under you when instead it is announced McLeish is really the man in question. Groups were ignored, a drop in season tickets were ingored, protests were ignored. The fans were ignored. I am not looking forward to the atmosphere next season.
10 - He's ginger*.

*Just for effect. I too am on occasion a bit ginger!

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